Another try!
By David
For Project: GlobalPlaylist
published: March 21, 2023
last updated: March 21, 2023

Once I got into a usable spot, I'd realized that I had no direct path to any revenue without volume. So I decided to change my focus to something more simple for the time being. As complicated as that could turn out to be, I need to figure out how to crawl before I start running.

Starting again

And that's when GlobalPlaylist was born. Much like, GlobalPlaylist solves a problem I have. And I'm imagining others could have the same issue. That is, I consume copious amounts of video content from various sources (such as YouTube, Odysee, and Spotify) and my current workflow is to throw them all into a window and go from one tab to the next as I finish them.

GlobalPlaylist streamlines this for me. I can add lists to a playlist on the fly and the extension will go from one video to the next automatically. And I'm hoping to soon add the ability to add text-to-speech articles to the list.

What about the Benjamins? Or...Washingtons, as it were...

My business plan for this is to make the extension open source, free with complete local functionality. While the development and marketing time are obviously not free, they require no ongoing cost on my part. Making it available on the Chrome Web Store allows me to try and get users in the door and see what they actually use.

Once I start getting initial feedback and have a set of users who like the base functionality, I can then offer a premium service for any features that could require a server, such as syncing playlists across devices, the ability to share lists, and maybe eventually a mobile app. Nothing crazy. Just a couple of bucks in exchange for an account to sync to.

He can be taught!

One of my goals for this next project was to shorten the cycle time and try and shift more focus on getting users. And I'm happy to say that I succeeded on this front. took over three months from conception to the current state which I'd actually call "MVP". This project is much more bare-bones and went from ideation to app store submission in less than two weeks. And most of that was rediscovering the current state of browser security media security limitations and how to work around those.

While I'll still be making relatively small iterations, I think the majority of my time over the next week will be geared toward hitting a goal of 10 installs.

Wish me luck!
